Whole G Bakery's Andrea Corazzini
“A perfect bread starts with the right mixing, the right shaping, the right oven. KEMPER mixers are incredibly robust machines. They are still spinning probably after 40…50 years of use and abuse. As an investment point of view that's always an incredible thing.”
“When we saw equipment like WP, we realized that we were in front of a much better situation to prepare what we wanted to prepare.”
“When it comes to small pieces, you cannot be competitive until you get an automatic machine. The Miniroll…I love it because it's very reliable. I can understand it very well. All I have to say is that we need to do 5,000 pieces of this and the next day, I see them done.”
“The relationship with the supplier is super important, not only knowing that the equipment I buy is - obviously - a great piece of equipment, but the people that I deal with I feel empathy with…If you find both things in a company, that's a winner to me.”
“When I put the bread in the oven, it's the final stage. All that care that we had put into the loaf before needs to flourish inside the oven. You don't want that piece of equipment not to be up to the task, to the task of your dream. The Matador, the big bestione, the big animal…they are incredibly powerful. When I put the bread in the oven, I can close my eyes and I know that – 45 minutes later – I have what I want.”